Black Disc Disease, also known as Degenerative Disc Disease, is commonly found in those over the age of 35. This is a degenerative process that will occur to all of us as we age but it can affect some people more than others, and while exercise and diet can slow down this process or make it less damaging, once it begins there is no way to reverse it. All you can do is, consult with best spine surgeon in Chennai and get it treated as soon as possible.
The reason why this condition is called black disc disease is, if you where to look at a healthy inter-vertebral disc on an MRI it will look white indicating high water content. As you get older though the fluid in your discs decreases and your inter-vertebral disc will show up as dark or black due to the lack of water in the disc structure.
We will all experience this decrease in water in our discs as we age but fortunately most people are not aware of it as it causes no problems and does not interfere with their day to daily life.
When you begin to have back pain due to Black Disc Disease it is because your discs act like shock absorbers for the spine. When damaged they are no longer able to support the spine and it can lead to a decrease in your ability to flex, bend and twist your back in a normal fashion. This inability is what causes people to seek out treatments and therapies.
When you are young your discs are made up of at least two thirds water. Fluid loss in the discs can mainly be attributed to age, but smoking, weight, and traumatic injuries can also have an impact on the fluid in your discs.
Once your discs start to dry out it can lead to other problems with the facet joints and the vertebrae in your spine as they no longer have the extra cushioning they require.
For those who do experience back pain due to a black disc it should have come on gradually, many times people are not able to pinpoint an exact date or event that started their back pain.
Once diagnosed with this condition there are many things you can do to limit the amount of damage being done to your spine, but you must be pro-active and committed to changing your lifestyle.
Symptoms of black disc disease are:
• Lower back pain that may become worse if you sit for long periods of time. This is due to the fact that when you are in a sitting position there is three times the load on your spine as when you stand
• Pain may worsen if you bend, lift or twist your back
• Pain decreases if you walk or run
• Pain decreases if you change positions often
• Your pain may not be constant, there will be times where it is very severe only to go away and come back as a mild pain
There are symptoms that can be more serious, if your pain is disabling or if it is becoming worse, if you have leg weakness or numbness or if you lose control of your bowel or bladder functions, you should contact your doctor immediately as all of these can have serious consequences.
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